Common questions and answers
ContractorCheck reports have a retail price of $12.95 each. We also have a subscription plan that allows you to pull reports on multiple companies for only $9.95 per month (+ a $20 Sign-up fee); certain restrictions apply. Back to top
We compile a score of points to determine your overall ContractorCheck rating.
Among items that give you points are the presence of License, Bond, and Insurance
information. If this information is not listed on your business credit report,
please visit and update your Experian business
credit profile at no charge. Items that can negatively affect your score of
points or overall rating are delinquent and past due credit items, liens and
judgments. To see a copy of your Experian online business credit report
for only $49.95, visit
or go to
to view both your business credit report and ContractorCheck report in one
easy to read layout.
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Call Experian's customer service at 800 520 1221.
Back to top is powered by Experian's Accounts created on cannot be used on We recommend that you create a
separate account if you are interested in monitoring a
business or are looking for additional details on a particular company.
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Yes, the cached copy (the copy you originally saw) is available for seven days following the purchase
using the 'MY REPORTS' function on the site. Back to top's Multiple Report Subscription Plan has a one-time $20.00
Sign-up fee and first month fee of $9.95; these amounts are non-refundable.
Anytime after your subscription plan has been created, you can cancel your
future monthly renewals and continue to access reports under your plan for the
remainder of the current monthly billing period. So, for example,
if you signed up for the subscription plan on March 16th and cancelled the plan renewals
on June 7th, then you will have continued access to reports under the plan until June 15th.
Click here to cancel plan renewals.
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If you believe that your company's report contains inaccurate
information, you can initiate an update to your company details by using Experian's website.
Simply click here to begin this process.
Back to top Hours of Operation: is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Back to top provides value by delivering timely and accurate data from Experian with nationwide coverage. offers competitive low prices and easy-to-read reports.
Back to top provides access to Experian's business database in real time. Experian receives public record information from government and vendor sources on a daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly schedule.
Once Experian receives public record updates from the government or vendor sources, turnaround time for formatting, cleansing and loading data is generally 48 to 72 hours. Turnaround time for bankruptcy reports being available online is typically within 24 hours of the original filing.
Back to top accesses Experian's business database in real time. Experian collects credit obligation information from thousands of businesses nationwide. These businesses are typically the suppliers or lenders with which a company has existing financial relationships.
Experian also collects legal filings from the various local, county and state courts across the United States. Company background information is collected from a variety of independent firms. Experian does not display information directly from a company about its business, unless that information has been verified.
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Business public records are records of actions or incidents filed or recorded with a government agency for tax and other regulatory requirements. These records are made available to the public to better protect the interests of the filer.
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Financial services, insurance, real estate, legal and professional services, telecommunications, transportation, Fortune 1000 companies and small businesses use public records to reduce business credit risk and manage liability and fraud.
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Checking a ContractorCheck report or business credit report multiple times does not affect the business credit score. Pulling a ContractorCheck report or your own business credit report is considered a soft inquiry. Soft inquiries do not affect the business credit score, and they are not revealed to potential lenders or creditors.
Back to top provides access to Experian's business database.
Experian provides tax liens, judgments and bankruptcies on businesses nationwide.
Back to top provides access to Experian's business database.
Experian uses leading technologies to format, cleanse and load data that is acquired
directly from government sources and industry leading vendors.
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You can start using today by accessing us through your Web browser. There is no additional hardware or software to purchase or install.
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Signing up is fast and easy. You sign up by clicking on the SIGN UP link located
on the top of most of our pages.
You don't have to be registered first to locate a company in our database.
Non-members interested in purchasing a report will automatically be directed to login or
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Your browser must be configured to allow for session cookies and javascript; by default, all of these browsers automatically accept session cookies and javascript.
If your browser is not configured to accept session cookies or javascript, please update your browser settings to accept these on our website, or contact your support specialist.
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